Solar Power Farm
Solar Lighting
Solar Pump
Hydro Power Plant
Biogas Power Plant
Biomass Power Plant
Household Solar System
Experience from hydro power plants in Myanmar has rendered Chin Corp expertise in many types of renewable energy such as solar power plants, wind power plants and biomass / biogas power plants. We are keen to join investment with appropriate local partners in AEC or Asian countries in various business models and strategies.
Myanmar also named as green land and most of its electricity is produced by hydroelectricity. Some rural area which is not mainly connected to power grid is still lack of electricity and the electrification rate is very low.
Nay Yaung Eain founded in 2013 and provides the renewable energy solution such as solar lighting for rural electrification and solar pumping for irrigation. Our aim is to provide clean power for home, communities and help cut carbon emission. Until 2016, we have provided our services to more than 5,500 households in rural area.